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Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Ultimate 5 Steps to Achieve Great Success in Life

Everyone wants to be successful. The irony is that of all the people who are pursuing for success, only a small portion of them really achieve what they want in their life. Why is this so? Are there any steps that you can follow in order to achieve anything you want in your life? In a word, yes. 

1. Believe it before you achieve it. You first have to believe that it is possible for you to achieve the things that you want in your life. If you do not believe it, you will never achieve it. The moment you start to believe that it is possible for you to become a millionaire, you will automatically tap on to the full potential of your mind and you will take on every possibility that comes to you. Therefore, make sure that you believe that it is possible for you to succeed in your life first before you start your journey.

2. Next, set clear goals. If there is one thing that can make your dreams come true, it is goal setting. Goal setting is one of the most important processes you need in order to help you achieve great success in your life. The main problem with most people is that they thought that goal setting is just a simple process of writing their goals down. Goal setting is much more than that. You have to learn how to set empowering goals that will keep you going and what you need to do right after you set your goals. Learn all the way the moment you can.

3. Then, develop strategies on how you can achieve your goals. It is the same as building a house; you will need to have blueprints. And to achieve your goals, you will need to have strategies. Once you have set your goals, your mind will automatically come up with strategies on how you can achieve them. Do not worry whether your strategies are right or wrong. You will correct them all the way until you achieve your goals.

4. Take consistent and massive action according to your strategies. The number killer of all successes is procrastination and the lack of action. You know, people are lazy and they hate to take action. And this is why most people fail to achieve what they want in their life. If you are not taking any action, you will never get any results. Action produces results. So if you want to have results in your life, take action.

5. The final step is to keep you driven and motivated all the time. Make sure you know why you want to achieve your goals so much. This is because it is the reason behind your goals that will drive you and motivate you. If the reasons are not strong enough, you will never achieve your goals.

Read more: 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a form of applied psychology founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder back in the seventies and is a set scheme consisting of various psychological patterns based primarily on modelling.  NLP is described as 'the study of the structure of subjective experience' and contains techniques that can be used as resources for therapy, personal change, behavioural change, personal success, professional success, business management training, counseling, phobia cure, relieving depression, giving up smoking and many more things.  NLP is basically just a set of psychologica tools and techniques all compiled into one programme for your convenience.  However, claims of how fast results can be achieved and the unlimited efficacy of these techniques is usually overly exaggerated.

If you have ever looked into hypnosis then you will have probably heard of NLP.  Hypnosis is actually a large part of NLP though technically hypnosis is not what it seems.  It's basically just communication, both conscious and unconscious (body language, unaware verbal clues, etc).  Learning NLP is probably the best way of learning about hypnosis.  In addition NLP also focuses on areas such as representational systems (how we represent the world to ourselves internally), submodalities (a break-down of these representations), rapport (building up trust and responsiveness in other people), anchoring (creating a trigger in someone), strategies (an occurence in the brain that influences a result), reframing (as in frame of mind), ecology and congruency (making sure the change is effective and resourceful) and parts integration (similar to a computer software program that controls how we behave and can installed or uninstalled).

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to Use Mind Mapping For Success

A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structure information to see how each step affects the whole. It helps you better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, and generate new ideas.
When you use viral marketing techniques to mind map internet marketing, you build your business and fast earn internet riches. Viral gets you out there in a huge way, mind mapping gives you the steps on how to get out there. You simply follow the steps. Even internet beginners can earn money quick with this system.
Just as with every great idea, the power of mind mapping for success lies in its simplicity. In a mind map, as opposed to traditional note taking, information is structured in short, concise statements, not a lot of words. Mind mapping avoids dull, linear thinking, jogging your creativity and making note taking fun again.
What can we use mind maps for?      
  1. Internet marketing
  2. Note taking
  3. Brainstorming (individually or in groups)
  4. Problem solving
  5. Studying and memorization
  6. Planning
  7. Researching and consolidating information from multiple sources
  8. Presenting information
  9. Gaining insight on complex subjects
  10. Jogging your creativity

Mind mapping can help clarify your thinking in any area: personal, family, educational or business. Planning you day or planning your life, summarizing a book, launching a project, planning and creating presentations, writing your blog, anything.
When you mind map business planning and mind map life coaching together, you create the exact steps to follow to live your dream life.
The challenge of mind mapping is getting your arms around a lot of information and making sense of it.  Once the map is created, you can step back and think about your thinking. You may decide to re-organize or move things around now that all the information is out of your head and on the map.
Entrepreneurs are responsible for an incredible amount of detail and communication. A mind map can clarify your thinking and put all your points on a single piece of paper. Then you reference your plan at the beginning and end of each day to keep you on track.
We have all been trained to take linear notes. Most brains are wired neurologically to continue with this habit even though it does not reflect the natural nature of the brain. The truth is that all of us are visual thinkers to varying degrees. In order to adapt to mind mapping, it means changing how you think, and taking the time to create a new habit. Free how to use mind mapping software is readily available. Simply Google mind mapping software and you will see a listing of various free and paid software programs.
Entrepreneurs who want to try mind mapping can start by tackling a strategic plan or solving a problem. Write your keyword plan or problem in the center of a piece of paper, then branching out from it, write the steps you need to perform to achieve your keyword. You will find mind mapping is the key to success, maybe even a way to earn easy money.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Become A Better Person

Think of other people.  Consider how you can make others happy and encourage them to do the right thing. Spend time to appreciate their good qualities  and boost their self-esteem.
Don’t act for selfish motives. Don’t seek to gain at the expense of others.  Don’t speak ill of friends for the motive of impressing other people.
Don’t waste time in seeking praise. Learn to let go of your ego. Humility does not mean putting yourself down. It means being content with what you are, without external praise / blame.
Never be jealous of others’ success or happiness. Learn to be happy through the well being of others. If others do good things, feel it is partly your achievement.
Don’t be attached to a negative frame of mind. As frequently as necessary, let go of negative thoughts. Don’t brood and be despondent. Be wary often the ego is involved in moods of despair and unhappiness. Cultivate cheerfulness.
Smile. If nothing else try to smile when meeting others.
Be enthusiastic in what you do.  Whatever you find yourself doing, try to be enthusiastic and positive. Even the smallest act done with love and enthusiasm can make a difference.
Don’t force your opinions on other people. Also, listen patiently to others, but at the same time don’t be swayed by what other people think you should do. Test their advice against your inner wisdom.
Inner Peace Take time to find the inner peace and inner joy that is part of your real nature, but often hidden under the layers of our mental imaginings.
Listen to the promptings of the heart. Be sceptical of the cold judgements of the mind.
Better to make mistakes than to sit idle.
Don’t complain, make a difference.

Learn How to Do Telekinesis

I wish I had a magic pill I could give you that would suddenly leave you with complete and 100% accurate telekinetic abilities. I wish I could say "do these exercises 3 times and you will have 100% use of your telekinetic abilities" but it just doesn't work that way.
So far, no one has been able to put into words the exact steps necessary to get your brain to manipulate the energies in just the right way so that you immediately have full telekinetic powers.
It takes trial and effort on the students part to find that perfect combination of mind, body, energy, belief and thoughts to bring out telekinetic powers in you.
Add on to that the fact that just because you hit upon the right combination today, it doesn't mean you will be able to hit that exact same combination tomorrow and it is easy to understand why it is so hard to learn how to do telekinesis.
If you seriously want to learn how to do telekinesis, it takes trial and effort on your part and it is something no one can do for you. The big thing is to not get discouraged if it doesn't work for you in the first few tries. Rarely does it work for anyone in the first 100 attempts and it is not unusual for it to take several thousand attempts before a person sees the first results.
Even when you get the first results, rarely is a person able to immediately repeat those results. Second results usual come faster than the first results, but it can still take weeks of effort.

Does Telekinesis Training work

Most people agree that once you figure out that perfect combination of energy manipulations that works for you, you should be able to do telekinesis on a regular basis and they can't understand why it would be so hard to do it a second time.
There are a couple of schools of thought on this subject. On the one hand, many people believe humans have always had psychic abilities and because we have denied the existence of telekinesis and all of the other psychic abilities for so long we have almost lost the ability to use them and it is only through effort and will power that we can slowly bring these psychic abilities to the fore front.
Another school of thought is that humans are only now reaching the point in our evolution that these abilities are coming out. Those from this school of thought believe that as we continue to advance in our evolution, our innate telekinetic and other psychic abilities will become stronger and stronger till one day they will become as common place as speech is to us now.
For me personally, I don't think there is enough evidence to say either school of thought is 100% correct and since both see the future as having more and more people with developed abilities, we may never know which was correct. Thankfully it really doesn't matter if either was correct or not. What matters is that slowly but surely people are developing these abilities and we can look forward to a day when psychic abilities are as common as driving a car.

So how do you learn telekinesis?

Ever heard the old saying, "Practice makes perfect"? That is what it boils down to, practice. This site will give you little hints and tips on things that have helped others learn how to telekinesis, and you can try them. Plus it is in your best interest to experiment on your own. We hope that you will share your experiments with us also.
It is by sharing that will help the most people to develop telekinesis abilities. There is no one way that works with everyone in every instance, but we will help as many people as possible as time goes on.

Common Misspellings

As you search for additional information on the internet, keep in mind that many people make typographical error when spelling the word telekinesis. Some of the more common typos include: telekenisis, telekenesis, telekenisis and telekinisis. Yet we all know exactly what they are talking about so just go with the flow and learn everything you can.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What is EFT ?????

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is exactly what it is.
What if … you could solve most of your emotional dilemmas and many of your physical issues, with no side effects, little time and all on your own…?
EFT often works where nothing else will. It provides fast, effective results for almost any ailment or performance issue imaginable. It’s scientifically proven and perfectly simple. Even young children do it with excellent results.
EFT is like acupuncture without needles that works at the emotional level. It is the cutting edge of healing technology, balanced with the ancient wisdom of TCM* and advancements brought to us from the world’s leading therapists, medical researchers and psychologists.
It is now used successfully by millions worldwide.

The Basic Method

The technique involves lightly tapping on several acupuncture points while saying words that help the mind to focus on the issue at hand. By using particular ways of phrasing sentences (NLP**) we can access the power of the mind, while the tapping releases the blocks in the bodies energy system where the emotions are stuck.
*As emotions are released related physical symptoms often simply vanish.
*Unlike traditional talk therapy there is no necessity to relive traumatic events. You need not even disclose them to the therapist if you so wish.
*In hundreds of thousands of case studies there have been no proven negative side effects, although it is common for issues that were apparently unrelated and not addressed to also vanish or diminish considerably. I have found this to be a regular occurrence in my practice and that of my peers.
*Its simplicity is the key. The same basic technique maybe effectively applied to a headache as it would be to depression, rheumatism or asthma. With experience, practice and study advanced EFT practice do produce deeper and faster results.
*Phone and proxy sessions are widely applied by professional therapists saving travel time and cost and making emergency treatment instant, in my own case I’ve conducted many such sessions and had similar success rates as face to face appointments.
*many EFT practitioners are so confident in the efficacy of the modality that payment is only taken when significant lasting cures are obtained.(this is also our policy)
*TCM – Traditional Chinese Medicine
**NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Learn About Graphology

First off, you must know that this job is hardly offered by way of traditional education. In fact, you will have more luck looking for this course online or in criminology school. Why? Well, because graphology is the art of reading and analyzing handwriting. 

To become a graphologist takes personality. This is not for someone who likes to shy away from people. If a career in graphology sounds intriguing, you have to take special courses to become a handwriting expert and may even want to go so far as to earn a psychology degree.  You can now earn these degrees online, so it’ll be relatively convenient! Use these tips to learn about handwriting analysis and become a graphologist.
  1. Learn what this job is all about. Research about it and read everything you can get your hands on to give you the lowdown on graphology. You will find that a graphologist reconciles handwriting patterns and personalities to arrive at a profile of the person in question. Yes, how you draw or scrawl out words, numbers, symbols and letters says a lot about who you are! The better you get at the analysis of handwriting, the more educated your guess will be as to what type of person wrote the words you’re studying.
  2. Figure out if you are cut out for this job. As mentioned earlier, getting into this line of work takes personality. You must be a people-oriented person, analytical, intelligent, observant, inquisitive and hungry to learn.
  3. Get the education that you need. There are short courses offered online including those in bullet points below from the International School of Handwriting Analysis (ISHA) and Handwriting.Org, which upon completion will grant a certificate for you. These are: 
    • Handwriting Analysis for Beginners
    • Evaluated Traits Handwriting Analysis Course
    • Preparing Graphology Studies and Reports
    • Software required for Graphology
    • Advanced Handwriting Analysis
    There are more courses in graphology that will enable you to package and market them for use in your own graphology business. By the way, you don’t need to get certified to work as a graphologist. As long as you know you have learned more than enough to serve others through this career, you can embark on this as soon as you take the courses specified here.
  4. Find your niche. There aren’t that many graphologists working today possibly because it is not a career that the general population even knows about. This is actually a good thing because you have more job opportunities at places that have not been saturated with graphologists. Places like law enforcement agencies, courts of law, psychiatric and psychology clinics, corporate and industrial organizations, and in education as an instructor. You can even start your own private practice or profession if you want to.
  5. Expect to like your job. There is much to learn and teach people about analyzing handwriting. In fact, the more you know about people through their handwriting the more you want to help them become better people by suggesting ways to work on their weaknesses or challenges. Know that there will also likely be situations when you are asked to crack a criminal case that involves a dubious suicide note or something written by a stalker.
Now you know how to become a handwriting expert. Good luck starting your career in graphology.

Introduction to Astral Projection For Beginners

Astral projection has been misunderstood for centuries. It's not a medium of dark arts or something evil. In fact if we think about putting it in simple terms then it is nothing but making your conscious mind travel outside your body. We all travel into the astral world albeit unconsciously in our sleep but we seldom have a recollection of these journeys except in the form of dreams. However it is possible for every one to become fully aware of this and do so consciously.
The first and the foremost lesson in astral projection for beginners is to learn to relax completely. You can only travel astrally when your body is completely relaxed and your mind is alert. You can relax through a variety of methods like meditation, holosync techniques and progressive relaxation. These methods need to be practiced with consistency and dedication to achieve a state possible for astral travel.
The second important aspect is concentration. Concentration is the key to successful astral travel. All of us have are thinking about thousands of things at one given point in time. You need to focus your mind and block these thoughts out. This can again be accomplished by meditation or binaural beats techniques. Binaural beats is one of the best ways to help your mind achieve an altered state of consciousness for astral projection.
If you are looking for more guidance about astral projection for beginners, then you need to get in touch with people who have "been there and done it all". Nothing is as good as practical knowledge so people who are experts in astral travel are the best guides to learn.
There is a world that exists beyond the realms of the physical world. This world cannot be seen with the physical body but you can still travel there. It's a world where our guides and masters reside and where the knowledge of everything comes from

Monday, February 7, 2011

World War 3 - Nostradamus Prediction when shall it be

World War 3: When shall it be?
World War 3 shall result owing to breaking down of the basic fabric of the society. World War 3 is not a making of a day; week or years… it has been in reckoning since long. It shall be the last folly of mankind… the last war of this era. It shall be the end of science as we know it today.
World War 3 shall be different from World War I and World War II. The earlier World Wars were fought for establishing the supremacy of one country over the other. World War 3 shall be a fight to the finish between Christianity and Islam.
Quran, the holy book of Islamic dharma predicts complete annihilation of the Muslim (Islamic) community after the year 2000. In the cosmic system established by God there is no place for fundamentalists. Bible also predicts the end of the Vatican after year 2000.
Both communities are primarily fundamentalists by nature… the practitioners of Islamic dharma do not hide this fact. On the contrary the Christians do not advertise their principles of life but the atrocities being committed by USA and its allies worldwide is a known fact. Both the communities are predicted by Nostradamus to get annihilated in the World War 3.
World war 3 shall be a fight between Dharma (moral values) and Adharma (wicked tendencies). None all over the world shall be able to escape the effects of World War 3. The catastrophe shall be of such a magnitude that 1200 million people will vanish in World War 3.
After World War 3 the population of the world shall be limited to 4800 million. Primarily, India and China would not be aggressively involved in World War 3. With a combined population of about 2000 million… it shall mean that apart from India and China… the whole world would be badly affected by World War 3.
As envisaged by the famous physicist Einstein… the fourth World War would be fought with stones and uprooted trees. He was correct for the World War 3 would signal the end of science as it is today. Life will have a new beginning… a new meaning after World War 3!
World War 3 would signify that life would have come full circle… it was about 3500 years before that Lord Krishna came and gave life a new meaning. Presently everyone is awaiting the advent of Bhagwan Kalki… one who shall deliver the mankind from the presently existing ills and announce the end of the Kali Yuga (the metal age).
Kali Yuga (the present metal age) has been termed as a period in the history of mankind when human being stoops so low in morality that it becomes difficult to differentiate animals from human beings! The humanity is presently passing through the last phase of Kali Yuga… and this is the time when a Yuga Avatar (Incarnation of God the Almighty) of the level of Lord Krishna descends on Mother Earth and saves the mankind!
World War 3 and the aftermath shall be period of reckoning for the mankind… all the efforts… all the discoveries and inventions of the past few hundred years would get washed down the drain. The end of Kali Yuga shall announce the start of Sat Yuga (the golden period).
Nostradamus in his prophecies had rightly predicted the start of the World War 3 around the end of 1998. The World War 3 did not happen. Why? As the prayers all over the world increased… the happening got delayed… who is interested in a Holocaust of the magnitude of almost thousands times that of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Based on the predictions of Nostradamus as of now… World War 3 is most likely to happen around 2011~2012. Until then both the communities… the Christians and the followers of the Islamic dharma are silently in preparation.
A rise in the level of waters around 10~12 feet in the seas and the oceans is predicted in World War 3. The radio active vapors would result in melting of the Arctic ice on an unprecedented scale. World War 3 would result in countries like Australia almost getting wiped out from the face of the Earth. World War 3 would result in waves raising to a height of upto 1000 feet… something unheard of!
The infliction by World War 3 would we phenomenal, unthinkable for the human being has indulged destroying the balance of nature. Now it is the fury of the nature everyone shall face! World War 3 would be remembered for the times to come for it shall mean the end of the dark era and the start of Sat Yuga (the golden period).
It has always been a cat and dog fight between the Christianity and the Islamic dharma. Unable to contain self both the communities would try to annihilate the other in World War 3. The results would be catastrophic for the entire mankind.
One may or may not indulge in World War 3 but every living being shall face the music of the World War 3. The doctrine of mass Karma confirms this. A citizen may or may not have acted indifferently but for the acts of the executive president… the total country shall suffer or gain for we have elected him of our own free will.
The people of Australia may not have faulted to the extent that the World War 3 spells complete doom for the entire country. Their support to USA as an ally shall be the cause of their suffering. Even though not directly involved in World War 3 but surrounded from all sides by the sea… this country shall suffer the most.
In World War 3 and the aftermath who shall survive is a tricky question? The doctrine of mass Karma shall see to it that those with Punya Karma (good Karma) in their balance shall survive and human beings having a negative balance of Karma shall perish. Justice delayed but not denied!
The end of World War 3 shall see India becoming superpower number-one. China shall follow as superpower number two. It is inevitable… none can change the consequences for it is the Karma of the people of that country that shall decide the fate in their favor.
Glory is to World War 3 predictions by Nostradamus which shall hold well in the end!

Best Job Search Tips for 2011

After a period of slow holiday weeks, it's easy to feel as if your job search has stalled out. All your hard work did not deliver the result you expected.
But there is good news. We are just about to push re-start.
Each year is a new opportunity to throw away any mistakes we've made in the last twelve months. And re-focus our time and attention toward new and better ideas.
Here are 11 tips to kick-start your job search in 2011:
1. Start setting daily, weekly and monthly goals
It's easy to be impulsive in job search. You lack the structure of your former company. So build structure by writing down ten goals to achieve each week. Choose two important and relevant goals per day.
2. Start networking with a purpose
There's a difference between socializing and networking with a purpose. So identify specific people you need to meet and set a plan to find them at local networking events, on LinkedIn or via your personal network.
3. Start connecting with others via social media
Complete your profile on LinkedIn and secure a minimum of 100 connections. Follow your target companies on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. And begin to build influence and social credibility in advance of a job interview.
4. Start your morning early
If your morning routine is stale, resolve to start each day early in 2011. Suggest coffee meetings starting at 8:00 or sooner. Find networking events that start early. And create positive inertia for a productive day.
5. Start a newsletter
You worked so hard in 2010 to initiate new connections. Don't let them fade in 2011. Create a monthly newsletter or e-mail update to stay visible. And let your personality shine so others will want to read it.
6. Start sharing specific job search objectives
If your answer to "what are you looking for?" is vague or long-winded, sit down and write specifics. Describe your target position including function, level, geography and target companies. So others can help you.
7. Start attending new networking events
If you are too comfortable at your favorite networking event, look for one or two new events to attend. Expose your brand to a whole new crowd in 2011. Look for events in your industry or function (e.g. marketing).
8. Start helping others
Consider taking a productive day off and dedicate every hour of your day to supporting someone else. Get to know their objectives and search your network for relevant connections. Then introduce a few people.
9. Start an accountability group
If you or a few friends are not getting the big stuff done, start an accountability group. Meet weekly with a partner or a group of 4-6 others. Share your goals for the week and allow others to keep you on task.
10. Start smiling
Learn to smile when networking. A smile opens a door to others and says you are comfortable and confident. Others are more likely to help if they believe you are able to help yourself.
11. Start paying attention to your small wins
Keep a journal of the positive results each day. This will keep your focus positive and allow you to see momentum building. Share your wins with others and encourage them to share with you.

Sun Tzu (The art of War)

Sun Tzu (The art of War) was written by Sun Mo in The Spring and Autumn Period (B.C. 512), which is roughly the same period as Confucius. Sun Mo's father was a senior officer in the military establishment, which helped to develop his interest in tactical warfare at an early age and lead him to become an expert in the military field.

He was introduced to the emperor of Wu Kingdom by Wu Gi Xu to explain his art of war theories. Having successfully demonstrated the military strategies with the emperor's royal concubines at the emperor's request, the emperor eventually agreed to employ him as his General.

The strategies in the "The Art of War" were widely followed in Japan in medieval times (15th to 16th Century), and the Japanese military classic "Book of Five Rings", written by Miyamoto Musashi, a noted samurai (1645), contained many similarities to Sun Tzu's teachings.

The book has been translated into different languages such as, English, Japanese, German, French and Russian, which is highly valued in different countries especially as a reference book for various military academies around the globe.

Nowadays, the theories of the book are also widely employed in business approach, organization strategy and developing management skills. 

5 Ways to Improve IT Effectiveness Most CIOs think their information-technology departments will be misaligned with business needs amid an economic re

Is the information-technology function at your company focusing on the same priorities as the business? Based on a recent survey by The Corporate Executive Board's IT Leadership Exchange, the overwhelming answer to this question is—No.

Through a survey of 150 IT departments at mid-sized companies, the IT Leadership Exchange found that 90 percent of CIOs expect that the IT department will be misaligned with business needs in an economic recovery, and more than half feel that this will threaten the business's long-term competitiveness.

When well aligned with business goals, the IT Leadership Exchange finds that an IT department can boost its effectiveness to the company by 54 percent.

The task of aligning IT and business priorities is more art than science. However, through ongoing conversations with IT executives, the IT Leadership Exchange has identified five imperatives that IT functions must follow to ensure its actions are in line with the company's needs.

1. Focus on Quality, Not Quantity of Discussions
While it's important to talk about project status and budgets, spending too much time on such discussions does not drive business engagement. In fact, it can destroy it. To increase alignment, IT–Business discussions should focus on strategic, relationship-related matters including clearly outlining IT and business partner roles, business unit goals, and potential future projects.

2. Hedge Your Bets in Training Investments
Training for business-facing IT staff should focus on improving specific skill sets that most impact business engagement, namely spotting project interdependencies, translating business needs, and creating concise and focused business cases.

3. Provide Role Clarity
IT roles and escalation protocols should be clearly defined and communicated. Informal IT–Business interactions cannot compensate for a lack of formal IT contacts and processes. While IT shouldn't be overly bureaucratic, providing guidelines for regularly scheduled interactions, including project status review or steering committee meetings, will go a long way in engaging the business.

4. Educate Your Business Partners
Build more informed partners for IT by providing training that helps IT anticipate the unique needs and priorities of key corporate functions, and where possible, institute rotations of business partners into the IT function. Both strategies yield high levels of sustained business alignment.

5. Emphasize Business Partner Accountability
Focus on ways to tie business partner incentives or MBOs to the outcome of critical IT projects or initiatives. Leading companies employ tactics such as linking project successes to business unit metrics, formally assessing business sponsors' effectiveness throughout a project, and offering "support groups"—small cross-functional classes that help middle managers understand IT strategy and can advocate for IT with their staff.

By following the tips detailed above, IT departments will be able to better align their activities and engage with business goals, boosting their effectiveness and their companies' competitiveness.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How to be a better information technology technician

How can an information technology (IT) technician improve skills? Two words: training and communication.
An IT technician's job requires experience with both software tools and hardware. Become an expert in what the company you work for uses. Don't settle for just being competent: find out everything you can about how it works, and how to troubleshoot and solve problems.
Then, pursue training in other tools as well. There are certification programs for Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Apple, IBM, and networking, to name just a few. Cross-train yourself. You never know when a new skill will come in handy, either when your company adopts a new program or you move to a new company.
Look for classes and programs at local community colleges, state colleges, universities, and university extension programs. There are many courses being offered completely online, which can be more convenient if you have a heavy work schedule and family obligations. Taking one class at a time while working is doable, and helps you avoid the situation of unforeseen layoffs and not having up-to-date skills.
Find the best professional organizations and join. Often they have their own training programs or other educational resources. They also provide opportunities for networking, which could lead you to a mentor, or contacts useful for information-sharing or job opportunities. There are ones with a national orientation and others that have a more focused audience (e.g., women in computing). Find one or more that interest you, read their newsletters and attend conferences.

Basic way to publish your blog

"First you have to make interesting posts on your blog. Good content is a must. Then attract readers to get your blog started. Promote your Blog. Make it easy for others to click your URL. Use your Email. Include your Blog URL on the Signature Line of your Email. Your friends will click your URL and read your blog. If they like what they see they will re-visit. They will forward your URL to their friends and before you know it you will have readers. Ask them to leave comments"