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Friday, May 27, 2011

How To Be Cool And Attractive

“Do you know the old story about the Sun and the North Wind having a bet about which one of them could get some guy to take his coat off? Well, the North Wind had a go and blew his hardest, but the guy just clung to his coat with all his strength. But all the Sun had to do was shine and the guy took off his coat because he was too hot. Truly ‘cool’ people shine a kind of calm control that everyone else secretly wants, and so they find it attractive..”
“The Art of Being Cool and Attractive,” is a social skills method designed to help develop an approach to others that will attract the right amount of the right kind of positive attention.
It is an exerpt from an article in our Journal archive that I thought deserved a little more attention.
The ‘art’ is contained in ten laws. How well do you follow them?
1. Learn to do with less attention than you would like at the moment
2. Do not compete with other people for attention
3. Say less than is necessary
4. Learn to behave well from those who don’t know how to
5. Do not ‘freeload’ or overstay your welcome
6. Never whine
7. Appear unhurried
8. Be different — but not too different
9. Appear not to want things you cannot have
10. Exercise courtesy and tact at all times.