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Friday, May 27, 2011

How To Be Cool And Attractive

“Do you know the old story about the Sun and the North Wind having a bet about which one of them could get some guy to take his coat off? Well, the North Wind had a go and blew his hardest, but the guy just clung to his coat with all his strength. But all the Sun had to do was shine and the guy took off his coat because he was too hot. Truly ‘cool’ people shine a kind of calm control that everyone else secretly wants, and so they find it attractive..”
“The Art of Being Cool and Attractive,” is a social skills method designed to help develop an approach to others that will attract the right amount of the right kind of positive attention.
It is an exerpt from an article in our Journal archive that I thought deserved a little more attention.
The ‘art’ is contained in ten laws. How well do you follow them?
1. Learn to do with less attention than you would like at the moment
2. Do not compete with other people for attention
3. Say less than is necessary
4. Learn to behave well from those who don’t know how to
5. Do not ‘freeload’ or overstay your welcome
6. Never whine
7. Appear unhurried
8. Be different — but not too different
9. Appear not to want things you cannot have
10. Exercise courtesy and tact at all times.

Friday, April 29, 2011

8 powerful ways to make people like you

Socializing is an important part of life. It’s healthy to meet many people who like your presence. The good news is that it’s possible to make yourself likable. After all, becoming popular is a learnable skill. Here are 8 ways to make people like you:
1.    Being caring
Showing concern for people around you shows that you are a human being who radiates warmth, comfort, and love. People love to be cared for, but not many are willing to give love in this harsh reality. You should be the one to do so.
A bit of caring can mean a lot to someone. You can care by doing simple things like asking about your friend’s work progress, your neighbour’s family, and your spouse’s feelings. Remember, small things count a lot in relationship.

People don’t care about you until you care about them.
2.    Praising others
People who always praise themselves in front of others are frown upon. However, if we reverse the inward self praising to outward compliment giving, things change. People have subtle ego that yearn for recognition subconsciously. By genuinely praising others, we are putting them in the limelight and make them feel good. And they will eventually come to you. That’s how you can become charismatic and popular.

Everyone quietly wishes for attention and recognition.
3.    Being generous
Observe around carefully. Cats and dogs like people who give them food. Resource is scarce in life. If we are willing to share it with others, we attract people. We have to give generously in quantity and quality so that the receivers are totally happy with us. Treating friends to a horrible restaurant is not recommended, but buying a box of fine chocolate for someone is highly encouraged. Be generous, but give others according to your means and ability.
There’s a giver and a taker – who do you prefer to go out with?
4.    Being helpful
Being generous is a good way to make others like you when time is good. However, when time is bad and people face hardship, giving others a hand and lifting some burden off people’s shoulders is praise worthy. It’s like giving a glass of cold water to a thirsty stranger in desert. People will feel good and grateful for your liberating act. Help others as much as you can, and you’ll gain the solid reputation as a kind person. People will love you.
When you are drowning, a helping hand is worth much more than a pot of gold.
5.    Smiling
A smiling person is like an open door that welcomes people in. Smiling is a non-verbal message that says you are non-threatening, approachable, and welcoming others for a conversation. It loosens people up and keeps the atmosphere relaxed. By contrast, people tend to feel suspicious and stay on guard with those who seldom smile, as if they have unwelcoming sharp fangs that bite people.
Always keep a genuine, relaxed smile on your face to tell others that you are approachable. People will like to come near you.
The popular ice cream man always smiles at the children.
6.    Being entertaining
People naturally like to laugh. So it’s good if you can bring the “feel good” factor to people by being entertaining. Having a sense of humour gives you the advantage to keep others laughing out loud. And for sure, they will come to you for more jokes (or else they will die from their boring life, figuratively speaking). However, never overdo it until you become the laughing stock. It’s silly for people to laugh not with you, but at you.
It’s cool to have entertaining skills like singing and dancing (that’s why many popular celebrities are singers). When you can sing and dance, people will definitely invite you out for karaoke and disco. You won’t drop out from any invitation, since you can spice up social events. That’s one good reason for you to enrol in salsa classes.
Laughing is the peak of life.
7.    Being hygienic
Although having good hygiene alone won’t really make you popular, NOT having it is disastrous to your social life. Horrible body odour strongly repels people. If you smell like rotten meat, people around you will pinch their noses and run to the toilet for a vomiting session, even if you can tell good jokes and dance like a pro. Keep your body clean and odourless by bathing and mouth rinsing daily. You might not want to wear the same clothes without washing for one month during hot days.
If you want people to like you, it’s essential to be hygienic.
Don’t be a pair of smelly socks.
8.    Being successful
Success is the magnet of attention. Magazines feature successful businessmen, football fans worship winning football clubs, and movie fans tightly follow top celebrities. Even strangers whom you don’t know will come to you to shake your hands and ask for autograph when you are successful.
This way of making people like you is rare but powerful. You need to put a lot of effort, learn a lot, and possibly get some luck, to reach this level. Once you achieve your success, the rest is history. So I think it’s worth to strive for success, even if the road ahead is very steep.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mind Reading

If a baby starts to cry several hours after drinking his last bottle, his mother knows precisely what he's feeling: He's hungry. But suppose a woman's eyes brim with tears while she watches a DVD. Her husband sinks into the couch: What is she so upset about? She might tell him directly: "This movie is so tragic. It's all about a doomed romance." That may be true. But she could be thinking about how the story reminds her of her own marital troubles. Maybe she's feeling hurt because she thinks her husband should realize what's bothering her and acknowledge it. Or maybe she isn't even aware that her real-world concerns are intensifying her reaction to the fictional couple.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seven Barriers to Great Communication

Many people think that communicating is easy.

It is after all something we've done all our lives.
There is some truth in this simplistic view.
Communicating is straightforward.
What makes it complex, difficult, and frustrating are the barriers we put in the way.
Here are the 7 top barriers.

1. Physical barriers

Physical barriers in the workplace include:
  • marked out territories, empires and fiefdoms into which strangers are not allowed
  • closed office doors, barrier screens, separate areas for people of different status
  • large working areas or working in one unit that is physically separate from others.

Research shows that one of the most important factors in building cohesive teams is proximity. As long as people still have a personal space that they can call their own, nearness to others aids communication because it helps us get to know one another.

2. Perceptual barriers

The problem with communicating with others is that we all see the world differently. If we didn't, we would have no need to communicate: something like extrasensory perception would take its place.
The following anecdote is a reminder of how our thoughts, assumptions and perceptions shape our own realities:
A traveller was walking down a road when he met a man from the next town. "Excuse me," he said. "I am hoping to stay in the next town tonight. Can you tell me what the townspeople are like?"
"Well," said the townsman, "how did you find the people in the last town you visited?"
"Oh, they were an irascible bunch. Kept to themselves. Took me for a fool. Over-charged me for what I got. Gave me very poor service."
"Well, then," said the townsman, "you'll find them pretty much the same here."

3. Emotional barriers

One of the chief barriers to open and free communications is the emotional barrier. It is comprised mainly of fear, mistrust and suspicion. The roots of our emotional mistrust of others lie in our childhood and infancy when we were taught to be careful what we said to others.
"Mind your P's and Q's"; "Don't speak until you're spoken to"; "Children should be seen and not heard". As a result many people hold back from communicating their thoughts and feelings to others.
They feel vulnerable. While some caution may be wise in certain relationships, excessive fear of what others might think of us can stunt our development as effective communicators and our ability to form meaningful relationships.

4. Cultural barriers

When we join a group and wish to remain in it, sooner or later we need to adopt the behaviour patterns of the group. These are the behaviours that the group accept as signs of belonging.
The group rewards such behaviour through acts of recognition, approval and inclusion. In groups which are happy to accept you, and where you are happy to conform, there is a mutuality of interest and a high level of win-win contact.
Where, however, there are barriers to your membership of a group, a high level of game-playing replaces good communication.

5. Language barriers

Language that describes what we want to say in our terms may present barriers to others who are not familiar with our expressions, buzz-words and jargon. When we couch our communication in such language, it is a way of excluding others. In a global market place the greatest compliment we can pay another person is to talk in their language.
One of the more chilling memories of the Cold War was the threat by the Soviet leader Nikita Khruschev saying to the Americans at the United Nations: "We will bury you!" This was taken to mean a threat of nuclear annihilation.
However, a more accurate reading of Khruschev's words would have been: "We will overtake you!" meaning economic superiority. It was not just the language, but the fear and suspicion that the West had of the Soviet Union that led to the more alarmist and sinister interpretation.

6. Gender barriers

There are distinct differences between the speech patterns in a man and those in a woman. A woman speaks between 22,000 and 25,000 words a day whereas a man speaks between 7,000 and 10,000. In childhood, girls speak earlier than boys and at the age of three, have a vocabulary twice that of boys.
The reason for this lies in the wiring of a man's and woman's brains. When a man talks, his speech is located in the left side of the brain but in no specific area. When a woman talks, the speech is located in both hemispheres and in two specific locations.
This means that a man talks in a linear, logical and compartmentalised way, features of left-brain thinking; whereas a woman talks more freely mixing logic and emotion, features of both sides of the brain. It also explains why women talk for much longer than men each day.

7 Interpersonal barriers

There are six levels at which people can distance themselves from one another:

  1. Withdrawal is an absence of interpersonal contact. It is both refusal to be in touch and time alone.
  2. Rituals are meaningless, repetitive routines devoid of real contact.
  3. Pastimes fill up time with others in social but superficial activities.
  4. Working activities are those tasks which follow the rules and procedures of contact but no more.
  5. Games are subtle, manipulative interactions which are about winning and losing. They include "rackets" and "stamps".
  6. Closeness is the aim of interpersonal contact where there is a high level of honesty and acceptance of yourself and others.

Working on improving your communications is a broad-brush activity. You have to change your thoughts, your feelings, and your physical connections.
That way, you can break down the barriers that get in your way and start building relationships that really work.

source :

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why SMART Goals are a Recipe for Failure

Traditional advice about goal setting teaches that we should set goals that are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART) if you want to succeed.
This works great for some and for certain tasks like maybe short-term projects like writing an article or report. However, over the long term, plans like these leave little room for flexibility. If you stick to the SMART framework, you're almost destined to fail in the long-term as such plans are extremely rigid and become too complex.

Instead of committing to a specific action plan over the long term, try choosing a theme that includes a vision of what you want to create or accomplish. In contrast to plotting a specific route on a map, consider various paths toward this specific theme. Both methods will get you to the same place over the long term, but following a general direction within a theme gives you more flexibility to explore along the way.

Source :

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Making Goals Real for Creative Minds

Do you avoid stating your personal goals, making resolutions or creating a business plan? Why not consider some alternatives to traditional goal-setting and future plans? If a list of written goals in linear fashion doesn't appeal to you, then consider goal-setting alternatives like those below and maybe you'll find one just right for YOU!
Experiment with new ways to visualize your future. What if revisiting your goals was FUN and creative, and you begin to look forward to this visualizing exercise. Here we explore some different ways to create goals with pictures and images in order to actually visualize life when they have been reached. Daily focus on these images helps to change and improve inner beliefs and has a significant impact on the subconscious mind.

Source :

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mind-to-Mind Connection: How to Influence People With Your Mind

It has long been suspected that your right cerebral hemisphere, when in the alpha state, operates in a realm where time and space are of no consequence. What you think affects others... and what others think affects you!
It is rather like the invisible connection between the earth's magnetic field and every magnetic compass on earth. They are interconnected. If the earth's magnetic field were to suddenly shift then every compass in existence would swing in unison.

Likewise, if you suddenly move a magnetic compass, or any magnet for that matter, this movement will have a slight effect on the earth's entire magnetic field. Admittedly this would be so small as to be immeasurable but it would still be there.

Similarly, when you have a thought it “twitches” the entire human consciousness "thought field".

Rupert Sheldrake calls this the Morphogenetic Field. Karl Jung called it Collective Unconsciousness.
Jose Silva found a practical method of evoking and controlling this marvelous human ability at will.
The technique, which is amazingly simple, has been developed over the years but to this day more than 99% of the population are unaware of it.
In the United States it is used extensively in business to "sway" the outcome of a business proposition in favor of the person using Subjective Communication.
In personal life it has been used to resurrect a dying marriage, to name but one of its many applications.

And one of the most extraordinary applications is to use it to make people aware of your advertisement in the Yellow Pages!

Its effectiveness appears to vary between 20% and 500%. That is the results can be up to 500% better than they would have been without it.
If you consider two identical competitive businesses both vying for superior market share then the one that learns to use Subjective Communication will forge ahead. This has been tested and thoroughly proven.
Car dealers in the US who use this direct mental contact technique have reported a sharp improvement in sales. The usual comment is it brings customers out of the woodwork and actually closes more deals. US real estate agents use it also - it makes a vast difference in their commissions when used properly.
And it is a strange thing that most people are using it continually without being aware of it. Unfortunately they are also conveying mentally their fears and apprehensions. So it can work against them.
But used properly and with the correct protocol it can (and does) produce quite astounding results. Sometimes the results leave the practitioner somewhat startled. They almost seem too good to be true! Some beginners have had such amazing success that the result has literally left them "awe-struck!
If you decide to apply this magical mental technique to other areas of your life ...then things suddenly become much more interesting. You seem to be able to achieve anything you set out to and for some "strange" reason; even total strangers fall over backwards trying to help you.

Welcome to the world of direct mental influence... Subjective Communication!

source :

Sunday, March 13, 2011

5 Powerful Creative Thinking Techniques

There are all sorts of situations wherecreative thinking comes into play.
Generally, we might associate creative thinking with art: writing a story,creating a painting, or composing music, for example.  In reality, creative thinking is something that even the lay person uses on a daily basis, especially when it comes to problem solving.
When you find yourself in a quandary about how to solve a dilemma or create your next masterpiece, here are some powerful creative thinking techniques that can get the ideas flowing.

The Random Element

One problem we often face when trying to solve a problem is that we tend to think in a straight line. 
The Random Element Technique allows us to take our mind in different directions to hit on solutions that may have never occurred to us using a more conventional approach.
To use this technique, start by defining your problem.
For example, let’s say that you are having trouble getting along with a coworker.  Look around you and find something completely unrelated to your situation, say a jar of jellybeans on your desk.  What kind of inspiration can you get from applying that jar of jellybeans to your problem?
Some possibilities include:
  • Jellybeans are sweet.  Maybe I need to be sweet to this person and “kill him with kindness.”
  • All colors of jellybeans are mixed together.  Maybe I need to recognize that it takes all types of personalities to make the world work and accept our differences.
  • There are a whole lot of jellybeans in a jar.  Maybe this person and I spend too much time in close proximity to one another.  Would moving to a different desk or cubicle make a difference?
It’s amazing when you discover just what kinds of connections your mind can make, and it gives you a whole new list of possible solutions to try.

Reverse Brainstorming

Most of us know the basics of brainstorming.  You define your problem and then make a list of all the possible solutions you can imagine before going back to evaluate the list for the gems. The Reverse Brainstorming Technique works in a similar fashion, although instead of coming up with solutions, you brainstorm ways to make the problem worse.
Let’s continue with the example of the coworker conflict.
What ways could you come up with to make the situation worse?
  • I could stop working on projects with this person so we miss deadlines.
  • I could antagonize him or her, maybe even going so far as to start a fistfight.
  • I could ignore the problem altogether and let it grow into something even more unmanageable.
From each of these anti-solutions, you may be able to draw a parallel solution by doing the opposite.  For example, you could work extra hard on your projects and improve your coworker’s opinion of you, you could try being extra nice to create camaraderie instead of irritation, or you could sit down with the person to work through the issue so it doesn’t get worse.

Morphological Analysis

This technique goes under many names, but the overall concept is the same.  Instead of getting overwhelmed by the need to solve an entire problem, try looking at its component parts and discern what kind of changes you can make to them.  You then take it one step further by mixing and matching these changes to come up with a variety of new ideas.
A great example for this technique is product improvement.  Let’s say you need to develop the next great thing in eyewear.
Start by listing the component parts of eyewear, such as:
  • Frames
  • Lenses
  • Hinges
  • Nosegrips
Other important aspects of eyewear include:
  • Comfort
  • Fashion
  • Ease of use
For each component, consider how you can change it through the use of different materials, shapes, alternate uses, etc. Then try rearranging your lists to see what you come up with. You may just invent the most comfortable nosegrips or most fashionable new shapes for lenses.

What If?

Most of the things that we take for granted today would never have come into existence if someone, somewhere along the line hadn’t said “What if?”
“What if you could turn the cooking fire on only when you need it?” (Stove.)
“What if I could talk to my family on the other side of the country?”  (Phone.)
“What if I didn’t  have to tend livestock in order to have transportation?”  (Car.)
We face a problem when it comes to creative thinking, because we often get to a point where we just decide something isn’t possible, so why spend any time thinking about it?  This creative thinking technique encourages us to do just that.
Let’s say your problem is that you are planning to have a baby and want to take time off of work to stay home.  Our logical minds will often think, “I have to have money for the bills, so it’s impossible for me to stay home with my kids.”  Instead of ending your internal monologue there, however, ask “What if I didn’t have to go to work everyday?”
Some of the things you might think about include:
  • I feel like I could be a better parent.
  • I could do things I enjoy instead of punching a time clock.
  • I would have more time for personal development.
  • My house would go into foreclosure because I didn’t pay the mortgage.
  • I’d get bored after a while.
It’s not all about just following a positive train of thought, as you can see.  But what you might realize from putting this list together is that while you do need to earn money to pay the bills, you might also want to find ways to do so that you enjoy and that allow you to be home more often.
You may even realize that you have a particular passion you’ve always wanted to pursue, and maybe this is just the time to do it so you can be the parent you want to be without becoming bored or losing your house.

The Lotus Blossom

Yasuo Matsumura of Clover Management Research in Japan is credited with developing this powerful creative thinking technique.  It reminds me of mind mapping, although there is a bit more structure to the overall process, which can be very helpful for right-brained people who are trying to tap into their creativity.
Start by writing your main problem or idea on a small piece of paper, say a sticky note.  Surround this note with eight others.
These make up the center and the petals of your lotus flower.  Use each of these eight “petals” to record potential solutions to your problem or improvements to your idea.  Now, take each of the petals, and make it the center of a whole new lotus flower.  Surround it by eight more petals, and continue on in the same way.
In this case, let’s say that you are looking for ways to stretch the family budget.  The center of your first lotus flower would read, “Don’t have as much money as we would like to meet monthly expenses.”
The solutions to this problem could be:
  • Make more money
  • Decrease unnecessary spending
  • Decrease necessary spending
  • Sell car/get rid of car payment
  • Etc.
Take each of these solutions, and make it the center of a new lotus flower.
For the first one, “make more money,” you might create petals that say:
  • Ask for a raise
  • Get a different job
  • Get a second job
  • Sell items on Craigslist
  • Etc.
For the suggestion to “decrease necessary spending,” some of your petals might read:
  • Shop the sales
  • Use coupons
  • Buy generic brands
  • Shop at thrift stores
  • Etc.
At this point, you can make each of these ideas into a new lotus flower to continue on with your brainstorming, or you can stop, if you’ve found a solution (or two, or ten) that will work for your problem.
The problem with, well problems, is that we often get so wrapped up in what we can’t do, that we completely overlook what is truly possible.
By using these five powerful creative thinking techniques, you can encourage yourself to think in new directions, whether for solving the daily dilemmas that plague us all or for creating the newest invention or most innovative work of art.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Does Imagination Have to Do with Creativity?

Why do we associate creativity with “having a broad imagination”?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, imagination is “the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.” Thus, it is traditionally believed that creativity is the manifestation of the imagination. From the way in which we use the term “imagination,” it appears that it is thought that the two can be equated; that telling someone to “be more creative” is exactly the same as saying, “use your imagination.” That the imagination can be associated to creativity is clearly indubitable, but it is the type of association that is questionable. Does the imagination have a central role in creativity, or do we give it more credit for our creativity than it deserves?
Before we can investigate the link between creativity and the imagination, it must be stated first what constitutes creativity and secondly what we mean by the term “imagination.” According to Gaut there are three conditions of creativity. First, creativity must be original. There would be no point in creating a sonnet in which I compare my love to a summer’s day, as it would not be original. Even if I did, the sonnet would be of no value – the second condition of creativity. Kant has pointed out that even the most nonsensical work of art can be original, but it is not creative unless it is exemplary i.e. of value. The third condition of creativity is that it has to have flair; an artist must have the intention to create the work in that way. If I splatter ink across a page, it may be original, but since the end product is arrived at inadvertently, I (the artist) must have had no style or flair and thus it is not creative. Subsequently, in Gaut’s words, “Originality, value and flair are the vital ingredients in creative making.”
There are a number of different uses of the term “imagination.” First, “I imagine” can mean “I falsely believe” such as in a situation whereby a person is told that he is “imagining things” in the context that he has misperceived something. Secondly, “imagination” can be used as a close synonym for creativity (as in the sentence, “Use your imagination.”) Finally, it is used to mean mental imagery, as in the case that someone is describing a person to me and I can imagine his face. Whilst all these definitions of imagination are correct within their contexts, it is widely agreed between philosophers that imagination cannot be defined in one way. It does not necessarily have to entail a false belief, nor does it need to involve mental imagery.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Working Smart Vs Working Hard

There is a great difference between hard-work and smart-work. People however have a wrong notion; they think they can bring about great changes in their career if they work hard. This might be true to a certain extent, for nothing can be achieved without hard-work. However, if some specific strategies are followed, we might start working smarter by lessening the amount of energy we put on to accomplish each task
As far as I am concerned, managing priorities is one of the most important tasks to work smarter. From now on, let me start working smarter. Let me start putting down the methods to work smarter using bullet points rather than writing a BIG essay. Trust me! It saves lot of time.

1. Writing down the tasks to be carried out through bullet points helps a great deal. Using concise language to jot down things quickly in a planner will take less time and process than a long essay.

2. Prioritize the to-do list everyday and note down in the pocket scribbling pad

3. Using processes, - creating a framework and making templates for all the tasks will help us to do our work systematically and quickly.

4. We should take shortcuts wherever possible., If we save a few minutes for every task, it might add up to serious time.

5. We should avoid doing rework for every task. Rework will cause great wastage to time and resources.

Hence, if all the above points will be called a "Smart-worker" rather than a "Hard-worker."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why hard work means success at work?

Here are some advantages of putting in hard work at your job.
Your Performance Increases
True hard work never goes unnoticed. If you work hard, your work and dedication will definitely be noticed, and you will get your these rewards at the right time.
Also, when your performance levels increases, you will gain a recognition and prominence not only in the company that you are working in, but also outside the company in your profession.  This will surely work for you when you are creating your job reputation & professional profile.
Career growth
Hard work is so important for you to grow in your company, because all said and done, even the company that you are working for is in the business for making money.
If the company itself is not productive and is not a profitable venture, it is your job security that is at stake. Therefore, hard work is not only important for success at work, but it is also important for the basic stability and existence of a company, and therefore yourself.
You Solve Problems
Some people believe that problems are just opportunities in disguise, and that can be true, but only if you have the will to do the hard work to unravel the disguise and convert the problems into opportunities.
A problem solver is always one of the most respected individuals in a company.
Therefore, if you solve problems, you also gain recognition and this makes your life much easier in the corporate world.
You tend to think out of the box
Any company would like an employee who is thinking out of the box.
Though thinking out of the box seems quite difficult and even impossible, it comes naturally when a person gives hundred percent of their time and dedication to their work. Thinking out of the box finally converts into new, better ideas that might just be the next big thing – making the company a success and therefore gain a name for you.
These are just some of the correlations between hard work & success in work - and indeed: hard work is clearly the key to success in the corporate world.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Ultimate 5 Steps to Achieve Great Success in Life

Everyone wants to be successful. The irony is that of all the people who are pursuing for success, only a small portion of them really achieve what they want in their life. Why is this so? Are there any steps that you can follow in order to achieve anything you want in your life? In a word, yes. 

1. Believe it before you achieve it. You first have to believe that it is possible for you to achieve the things that you want in your life. If you do not believe it, you will never achieve it. The moment you start to believe that it is possible for you to become a millionaire, you will automatically tap on to the full potential of your mind and you will take on every possibility that comes to you. Therefore, make sure that you believe that it is possible for you to succeed in your life first before you start your journey.

2. Next, set clear goals. If there is one thing that can make your dreams come true, it is goal setting. Goal setting is one of the most important processes you need in order to help you achieve great success in your life. The main problem with most people is that they thought that goal setting is just a simple process of writing their goals down. Goal setting is much more than that. You have to learn how to set empowering goals that will keep you going and what you need to do right after you set your goals. Learn all the way the moment you can.

3. Then, develop strategies on how you can achieve your goals. It is the same as building a house; you will need to have blueprints. And to achieve your goals, you will need to have strategies. Once you have set your goals, your mind will automatically come up with strategies on how you can achieve them. Do not worry whether your strategies are right or wrong. You will correct them all the way until you achieve your goals.

4. Take consistent and massive action according to your strategies. The number killer of all successes is procrastination and the lack of action. You know, people are lazy and they hate to take action. And this is why most people fail to achieve what they want in their life. If you are not taking any action, you will never get any results. Action produces results. So if you want to have results in your life, take action.

5. The final step is to keep you driven and motivated all the time. Make sure you know why you want to achieve your goals so much. This is because it is the reason behind your goals that will drive you and motivate you. If the reasons are not strong enough, you will never achieve your goals.

Read more: 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a form of applied psychology founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder back in the seventies and is a set scheme consisting of various psychological patterns based primarily on modelling.  NLP is described as 'the study of the structure of subjective experience' and contains techniques that can be used as resources for therapy, personal change, behavioural change, personal success, professional success, business management training, counseling, phobia cure, relieving depression, giving up smoking and many more things.  NLP is basically just a set of psychologica tools and techniques all compiled into one programme for your convenience.  However, claims of how fast results can be achieved and the unlimited efficacy of these techniques is usually overly exaggerated.

If you have ever looked into hypnosis then you will have probably heard of NLP.  Hypnosis is actually a large part of NLP though technically hypnosis is not what it seems.  It's basically just communication, both conscious and unconscious (body language, unaware verbal clues, etc).  Learning NLP is probably the best way of learning about hypnosis.  In addition NLP also focuses on areas such as representational systems (how we represent the world to ourselves internally), submodalities (a break-down of these representations), rapport (building up trust and responsiveness in other people), anchoring (creating a trigger in someone), strategies (an occurence in the brain that influences a result), reframing (as in frame of mind), ecology and congruency (making sure the change is effective and resourceful) and parts integration (similar to a computer software program that controls how we behave and can installed or uninstalled).

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to Use Mind Mapping For Success

A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structure information to see how each step affects the whole. It helps you better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, and generate new ideas.
When you use viral marketing techniques to mind map internet marketing, you build your business and fast earn internet riches. Viral gets you out there in a huge way, mind mapping gives you the steps on how to get out there. You simply follow the steps. Even internet beginners can earn money quick with this system.
Just as with every great idea, the power of mind mapping for success lies in its simplicity. In a mind map, as opposed to traditional note taking, information is structured in short, concise statements, not a lot of words. Mind mapping avoids dull, linear thinking, jogging your creativity and making note taking fun again.
What can we use mind maps for?      
  1. Internet marketing
  2. Note taking
  3. Brainstorming (individually or in groups)
  4. Problem solving
  5. Studying and memorization
  6. Planning
  7. Researching and consolidating information from multiple sources
  8. Presenting information
  9. Gaining insight on complex subjects
  10. Jogging your creativity

Mind mapping can help clarify your thinking in any area: personal, family, educational or business. Planning you day or planning your life, summarizing a book, launching a project, planning and creating presentations, writing your blog, anything.
When you mind map business planning and mind map life coaching together, you create the exact steps to follow to live your dream life.
The challenge of mind mapping is getting your arms around a lot of information and making sense of it.  Once the map is created, you can step back and think about your thinking. You may decide to re-organize or move things around now that all the information is out of your head and on the map.
Entrepreneurs are responsible for an incredible amount of detail and communication. A mind map can clarify your thinking and put all your points on a single piece of paper. Then you reference your plan at the beginning and end of each day to keep you on track.
We have all been trained to take linear notes. Most brains are wired neurologically to continue with this habit even though it does not reflect the natural nature of the brain. The truth is that all of us are visual thinkers to varying degrees. In order to adapt to mind mapping, it means changing how you think, and taking the time to create a new habit. Free how to use mind mapping software is readily available. Simply Google mind mapping software and you will see a listing of various free and paid software programs.
Entrepreneurs who want to try mind mapping can start by tackling a strategic plan or solving a problem. Write your keyword plan or problem in the center of a piece of paper, then branching out from it, write the steps you need to perform to achieve your keyword. You will find mind mapping is the key to success, maybe even a way to earn easy money.