There is a great difference between hard-work and smart-work. People however have a wrong notion; they think they can bring about great changes in their career if they work hard. This might be true to a certain extent, for nothing can be achieved without hard-work. However, if some specific strategies are followed, we might start working smarter by lessening the amount of energy we put on to accomplish each task
As far as I am concerned, managing priorities is one of the most important tasks to work smarter. From now on, let me start working smarter. Let me start putting down the methods to work smarter using bullet points rather than writing a BIG essay. Trust me! It saves lot of time.
1. Writing down the tasks to be carried out through bullet points helps a great deal. Using concise language to jot down things quickly in a planner will take less time and process than a long essay.
2. Prioritize the to-do list everyday and note down in the pocket scribbling pad
3. Using processes, - creating a framework and making templates for all the tasks will help us to do our work systematically and quickly.
4. We should take shortcuts wherever possible., If we save a few minutes for every task, it might add up to serious time.
5. We should avoid doing rework for every task. Rework will cause great wastage to time and resources.
Hence, if all the above points will be called a "Smart-worker" rather than a "Hard-worker."
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